Most of you have been there before more often than not, for the rest of you, your day will come! I remember the day because I had just come back from taking photos in Chosica. I had run into the issue of dust on my low-pass filter which was showing up quite visible in my photos (in fact, to the point that it was ruining my photos). Since I had cleaned the filter before I decided to clean it again, so I grabbed my Giotto "Rocket" air blower bulb, unscrewed my lenses and began to blow air into the camera to dislodge any dust from the low-pass filter, and that's when the nightmare began!!!

Realizing my dilemma I began contemplating my options, my father in his moment of expertise offered to clean it off using a Q-tip to which I SCREAMED "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Accepting defeat I decided that I had neither the tools nor the expertise to tackle my problem, so I decided my only other option was to send it to a professional. I grabbed the phonebook and began searching for a technician in Lima. A few minutes later I found one located in the district of Miraflores, I called and asked how much it would cost to clean the filter and was given a price of S/. 150 (Peruvian New SOL) which is equivalent to $50 USD. Not bad considering how much it costs in the states to have it sent away to a professional for maintenence. Now I would be lying if I told you I wasn't scared and worried at the mere thought of leaving my camera in the hands of a stranger (professional or not), especially since that camera is a representation of all my hard work spent in order to obtain it.
Like a frightened parent I decided to leave my child in the hands of a professional. I went with my family to Miraflores and headed over to the 3rd block of Av. Diez Canseco (#316) where the little camera shop was located. I met with the lead technician who gave me a play by play of how he intended to fix the problem. The technician stated that in order to clean the low-pass filter he was going to have take the camera apart (YIKES!). I left the technician with my camera and walked away unsure if I would see my camera again (in working order that is).
The next day I returned to the shop only to find my camera in perfect working condition, I was ecstatic, to say the least. I felt my faith restored and was more than glad to pay the maintenence fee. I would definately recommend this camera shop for those who lack the expertise or stomachs to clean their low-pass filters.
It is important to note that there do exist several products and methods for cleaning and removing dust and other foriegn matter from the low-pass filter of your CCD. If you do find yourself in a situation that requires you to clean inside your camera you might want to consider the following link. This website provides a TON of useful advice and tips, along with several products for those interested in cleaning their filter. I highly recommend you give it a read.
Here is the link: The website is called
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